Grants & Scholarships

We’re lucky to have a robust Jewish community with options galore. But let’s face it: the cost of Jewish life can add up. The Minneapolis Jewish Federation offers a number of needs-based scholarships to assist with the cost of Israel travel, education, and camp tuition.


Israel Travel Scholarships

Israel Center Scholarship

A needs-based scholarship available for Minneapolis-based Jewish men and women ages 16+ looking to participate in an Israel educational program.

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Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund

Available to Minneapolis residents between the ages of 15 and 18 who are registered for a qualifying Israel program.

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Isadore & Molly Boroff Israel Scholarship

This scholarship is available for Minneapolis-based Jewish men and women ages 18-30.

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Annette Paletz Memorial Scholarship

This merit-based scholarship for community service is eligible to Minneapolis high school students interested in attending Jewish Educational Travel Programs in Israel.

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Camp Scholarship

Camp Scholarships

Scholarships are available for all kids and many will qualify!

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Law School Scholarship

Paul A. Weingarden Law School Scholarship Fund

This is a need-based scholarship for Jewish law students to assist with the costs of law school tuition and books.

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