Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund

Every Jewish teenager should have the opportunity to go to Israel. That was philanthropist Louis Herman’s philosophy — so he generously established this fund for Minneapolis teens going on peer educational trips to Israel.

Scholarship details at a glance:
  • Funding: Up to $1,000
  • Merit grants: Based on past or current involvement in the following categories of Jewish activities:
    • Youth group involvement
    • Communal organization volunteer work
    • Formal Jewish education
    • Camping experience
    • Communal work experience

Click Here To Apply

Questions? Contact:
Noa Rosenzweig, Israel Program Manager


About Louis Herman

Born and raised in the Jewish community of Minneapolis, Louis Herman never had any children. But he thought of the community’s children as his children, and used his hard-earned wealth to support causes that focused on Jewish education. In 1992, Mr. Herman donated $1 million to the Minneapolis Jewish Federation as an endowment. A few years later, the LOUIS HERMAN ISRAEL EXPERIENCE FUND was established.

Since its inception in 1995, the Louis Herman Israel Experience Fund has awarded more than $1,000,000 in grants to over 1000 Minneapolis teens. Many of these grant recipients have returned from their Israel Experiences to become active members of their Jewish community, fulfilling Mr. Herman’s vision of developing a new generation of committed Jews. Mr. Herman’s generosity to the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, and to other Jewish institutions, has touched the lives of thousands of Jewish youth and will continue to do so for many years to come.