Live 2B Healthy


Craft Night and Entertainment Fridays are truly memories in the making for Sholom’s Menorah tenants. These are but a few of the many group and individualized therapeutic recreation activities, provided through Minneapolis Jewish Federation, which offer tenants a quality of life that invites and encourages them to stay active physically, mentally, and creatively.

Live 2B Healthy is an elder-focused exercise program at Sholom Senior Apartments – Menorah Plaza and Menorah West Senior Apartments. This program, which receives funding from MJF, is designed to alleviate isolation and loneliness, bringing together individuals from every walk of life, to broaden and enhance the Menorah Community. These programs build community and help tenants maintain life-enriching activities and brain health. For Menorah community residents, these programs are changing their lives.

Sarah usually remains in her apartment, not socializing or spending time with her neighbors. However, Craft Night’s intentionally designed creativity motivates Sarah to join with others and, for a few hours, allows her to leave her anxiety behind.

Marie has a long history of enjoying crafts and handwork. Dealing with memory issues has resulted in many struggles. Marie and her family are grateful for exercise classes, community programs, and the wide range of activities. The weekly calendar offers a structure and accentuates planning. She also recognizes positive feelings in anticipation of the week’s programming.

Beatrice and Sam are neighbors and coincidentally lost their respective spouses not long after moving to Menorah Plaza during the past two years. Through the variety of program offerings, both individuals have made new friends and have begun to forge new patterns as they learn to live with loss.

The generosity of Minneapolis Jewish Federation is invaluable to the lives of these seniors. By harnessing the power of intentional programming, and the importance of activity and community, these seniors can have a healthy and meaningful aging experience.

Check out the 2022 Impact Report to learn about Minneapolis Jewish Federations local impact.