Schools Then and Now


It was not so long ago that the closest students and teachers got to one another was side by side, in little boxes on computer screens. But now, with the pandemic mostly behind us, and thanks to funding support from Minneapolis Jewish Federation, our teachers and students are stronger together again! This past year saw Jewish students in seven MJF partner educational institutions find their way back, together again, for education. Hallways are once again filled with the sounds of laughter and exuberance; classrooms are fully alive with the cacophony of students learning, volleying questions in the ancient tradition of Jewish study.

Bringing students back into their physical classrooms has been a long-awaited celebration. Each of MJF’s partner schools have taken the opportunity to grow and deepen their commitment to their students and community. Each school has taken account of their greatest needs coming back into the classroom, and with the help of MJF, have focused on making additions and improvements to best serve their students. In some schools there has been an increase in opportunities for hands-on and mixed modality learning. Others have welcomed the ability to mix grades for a more targeted approach to achieving learning objectives. Some have been able to focus on parent engagement and think about educational programs that extend beyond the walls of the classroom; especially looking at ways to support students’ social and emotional well-being. Being back in person has given teachers and educational specialists everywhere the chance to connect more deeply with each individual student and provide proactive support.

When given the opportunity to fully show up for their community, these institutions have stepped in and stepped up for Jewish education.

Whether it be during a STEM class, a cooking extracurricular, or a multi-generational family event, watching relationships build across age groups, and seeing the smiling faces of children learning, thriving, and making friends has been the biggest blessing. There is nothing better than being together again. Our community’s schools are once again full, vibrant spaces of learning and growth. Each institution bringing young Jewish children together, setting the foundation of a strong Jewish education, helping to build the next generation of proudly engaged Jewish community members.

Check out the 2022 Impact Report to learn about Minneapolis Jewish Federations local impact.