Ways To Give
Thank you for your support. Here are ways to make your gift:
Contribute Online
To make a gift or pledge payment today, please visit our online donation site here.
Send in a Check
- Make checks payable to Minneapolis Jewish Federation.
- Send to:
PO Box 64773
St. Paul, MN 55164-0773 - In the memo of the check, please indicate what the gift is for (i.e., Community Campaign, Emergency Campaign, your Fund, or other designation.)
Make a Grant Recommendation from your Donor-Advised Fund
- Search for Minneapolis Jewish Federation, EIN: 41-0693866.
- In the purpose section, please indicate what the gift is for, and please write “annual campaign gift.”
Gifts of Appreciated Stock/Securities
- Contact Rafina Larsen at 952-417-2320 or rlarsen@jewishminneapolis.org for stock transfer instructions.
Gifts of Non-Cash Assets (Real estate, Etc.)
- Contact Martin Lipshutz, Minneapolis Jewish Federation CFO, at 952.417.2317 or mlipshutz@jewishminneapolis.org.
Make a Qualified Charitable Distribution from your IRA
- Contact your IRA broker or company and request instructions on how to make a Qualified Charitable Distribution to the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, EIN: 41-0693866.
Not sure what you would like to support or have questions about what aligns with your values or where funds are needed the most? Click here for more information or contact us at 952-593-2600 or philanthropy@jewishminneapolis.org.