Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation


Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation

The Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation (MN JCF) brings together people who are committed to building a better world through tikkun olam. They partner with donors to give through a Jewish lens and connect them with causes and organizations that embody their values.

As a wholly owned subsidiary of the Minneapolis Jewish Federation, Minnesota Jewish Community Foundation works hand in hand with Federation and collaborates where possible to make our community as strong as it can be.

MN JCF provides financial support of MJF in a myriad of ways:

  • Grants from MN JCF funds that go towards MJF’s annual Community Campaign
  • Investment of MJF’s own funds
  • Draws from MJF’s own endowment funds for the MJF annual Community Campaign
  • Other grants to MJF (specific programs or interest areas) from MN JCF funds and competitive grant rounds
  • MN JCF’s Administrative Fees that are used to fund MJF operations.

To learn more, visit the MN JCF’s website: